Foods To Reduce Stress

Top 6 Foods to Reduce Stress

Did you know that there are foods that reduce stress Although the hustle and bustle of the modern world has made stress a part of your life, being exposed to high levels of this could be very detrimental to your heart, mental and nervous health and even to your menstrual cycle.

That is why your body needs to constantly reduce it using nutrients such as vitamin C, omega 3, calcium and magnesium since these nutrients are the most used by your body. These nutrients are present in the foods that reduce stress levels. Check them out below:


What foods help relieve stress?


This vegetable is rich in folic acid, which makes it one of the best foods that help fight stress. You can use them in salads, in sauce or baked, they will provide the vitamin B and fiber that you need any way that you make them.



Oranges are one of the most effective stress relieving foods. It is high in vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system and regulates cortisol, the stress hormone. Whether you eat it alone, in a salad, or in juice, the orange is one of the most effective foods for stress relief.



This food type provides vitamins A, D, calcium and proteins, which help to reduce your stress levels. Having your breakfast with milk is the best way to include it in your diet, but you can also add some fruit to the milk to give it a more delicious flavour or add it to your coffee.



This is a carbohydrate that increases serotonin levels in the brain. This is the hormone that is responsible for improving mood and relaxation, therefore helping you reduce your stress levels. Although other carbohydrates can also do it, this is the healthiest and with long-lasting effects. So, make yourself a refreshing oatmeal drink, some fluffy pancakes or add the oatmeal directly to your favourite smoothie.



The nutrients in avocado considerably regulate cortisol, the stress hormone. If you consume an avocado a day, you will not only regulate your blood pressure and the level of cortisol in your body, but you will also keep your brain healthy. Include it in your salads or make some good old Avo on toast.



Having a small portion (40 or 50 grams) of dark chocolate a day reduces cortisol levels, the stress hormone. This delicious delicacy contains magnesium, a mineral that fights against stress, depression and irritability. Dark chocolate is also widely used as a home recipe for menstrual cramps. The best thing is that you can make a drink or a dessert with it, either way, it will do its job.


Remember that your diet is the key to reducing stress in your life, and that these are just 6 of the hundreds of foods that relieve stress. Include them in your diet and you will see just how much better you start to feel.

The advice provided in this material is general in nature and is not intended as medical advice. If you need medical advice, please consult your health care professional.



(2016) 12 foods against stress. Recovered at:

(2013) Foods that help you fight stress. Recovered at:

(2016) 10 foods against stress. Recovered at:



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